1. On the Helpdesk homepage, click on the icon labeled 'Create Ticket.'
2. Enter your login information underneath 'Login to the Support Portal.'
3. You will be redirected to the website shown below.
4. 'Search a requester' should already be filled out with your email address. If the ticket is for someone else, enter their email.
5. 'Subject' is where you will enter the main problem you are experiencing.
- Examples: 'Unable to connect to eduroam', 'Storrs 248A black toner needs to be replaced'
6. 'Category' includes two drop down menus. You should select the option that matches the overall main problem for the first drop down. The second selection will be more specific.
WiFi issues correlate with the 'Network' category. Printing issues correlate with the 'Hardware' category Adobe Creative Cloud issues correlate with the 'Software' category.
7. 'Location' will include the building name and the room number of where you are experiencing the problem.
8. 'Department' will be filled in for you based on the requestor's email.
9. 'Priority' is set to low by default. If your problem is more urgent, then you can change the priority level for your ticket.
10. 'Description' will be where you include all details concerning the problem. If possible and needed, please include your availability.
11. You may attach a file if necessary. The more information we have, the better.
12. If you are satisfied with your ticket, you may submit by clicking the submit button below 'Attach a file.'